There has been community interest in the lodged and notified Private Plan Change 78 (the PPC) for Mangawhai Central.

A private plan change is one that is introduced to a community by someone other than the Local Authority. The reason for the PPC is that the decade old Estuary Estate chapter does not provide for sustainable, resilient development.

Please be assured that the PPC is closely aligned to the masterplan that Mangawhai Central has presented to the Mangawhai community via public meetings and open-forum consultations at the Library Hall. Throughout the process we have encouraged community participation, engaged with people and sought feedback for incorporation into the PPC.

The PPC is to replace the 2008 (outdated and unfeasible) rules and planning requirements, with 2020 best-practice provisions that can enable sustainable growth. The provision of the Molesworth Drive upgrade, town centre and the supermarket are initial steps in the process.

A summary of the PPC can be read here: